Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie is a perfect thirst quencher for the scratching hot summer. Both my kids have unique like on Strawberry, so in spring or summer the fresh berries with some yogurt and a scoop of ice cream a delightful smoothie.
Strawberry – 10 Numbers (3/4th Cup approx)
Yogurt – 1/3 Cup
Scoop of Strawberry or Vanilla Ice Cream – Optional
Vanilla or Strawberry Extract – 1/2 tsp
Honey – 1 Tbsp or More
Ice Cubes – Few (Optional)

For the smoothie, Combine all the ingredients in a mixie jar/food processor with optional ice cubes and ice cream, pulse/blend all together and serve immediately.

healthy and creamy yogurt!
a simple and yet satisfying drink
Lovely pink strawberry drink