Though I am on vacation I am consistently getting support from readers, followers, facebook fans and bloggers friends, a very special and hearty thanks to you all :-). This is a celebration recipe for 300 likes in facebook fanpage and Holi, a Hindu festival which is celebrated mostly in India and all over the world. I have explained how to make condensed milk with milk powder at home and orange peda mithai is a basic milk peda with fresh orange flavor. Also added corn starch to attain the bakery consistency.
Ingredients for making Homemade Condensed Milk
Milk Powder – 1/2 Cup (I use Non Fat Dry Milk Powder)
Sugar – 1/4 + 1 or 2 Tbsp
Milk – 3/4th Cup
Butter – 1 Tbsp
If using store bought condensed milk skip the above ingredients and procedure below.
Condensed Milk Preparation
- Bring 3/4th cup of milk to boil in medium flame.
- When it reduced to 1/2 cup add sugar, butter and milk powder give nice stir Pic 1.
- If you have lumps, blend it to get smooth condensed milk Pic 2.
- This is the easy process for making basic condensed milk.
- If you have store bought condensed milk then skip the above process.
Ingredients for Orange Peda Mithai
Milk Powder -1/2 Cup (I used Non Fat Dry Milk Powder)
Fresh Orange Juice – 1/2 Cup
Corn Starch – 1 – 2 and 1/2 Tbsp (Including decoration)
Homemade or Store bought Condensed Milk – 1/2 Cup
Green Food Color – Optional (Needed if decorating the peda and i used gel type food color)
Salt – A Pinch
Orange Peda Mithai Preparation
- Add orange juice in a pan and bring to boil.
- Add 1/2 cup of milk powder and stir well Pic 3.
- Now add condensed milk Pic 4.
- Mix 3/4th -1 Tbsp of cornstarch with little milk or juice and add to the above mixture.
- Keep stirring till it attains a rolling consistency Pic 5
- When its cooled down make desired shapes Pic 6.
- For making orange shape roll the peda using palms and make an impression at the center.

- Roll the green mixture(recipe follows) to tiny balls and place it at the center.
For Decoration
- Mix 1 and 1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch with water and cook in medium flame with sugar to rolling consistency.
- Add food color and mix it well.
- When cooled down make desired shapes.
- I made leaf shape using hand and toothpick to get the leaf texture, also you can use fondant leaf tools.
- Also made rolled stem with the leftovers.

- Sugar quantity i mentioned here is moderate, you can increase or decrease it.
- If the consistency is still gooey then add more milk powder.

wonderful presentation…yum !
An award waiting for u at my space.. please Collect it 🙂
Wow so cute sis, seriously i loved ur presentation..Congrats sis.
Wow…what a presentation….. Lovely pedas…..
very cute little peda.. love it.. nice presentation
very tempting peda and love the way you present it.
beautiful luking pedas.luv d idea of adding orange jiuce..BTW u didnt mentioned butter quantity n in 2 1st pic u said 2 add milk powder n again in d 3rd showing milk powdr.wts d quantity of milk powder totally?i was confused sangeeta..let me know plz.so eager 2 try this..
Thanks Maha for letting me know, updated the butter quantity. You need 1 Cup of milk powder for making both condensed milk and peda…If using store bought condensed milk then 1/2cup of milk powder n 1/2 cup of store bought condensed milk is needed here you no need sugar, milk n butter. Hope this clears ur doubt.
cute little oranges..perfectly done..
Fantastic skills in moulding the orange peda. My admiration for such creative outcome.
Congrats sangeetha. You have done this beautifully.
Yum yum, seriously wat a tempting dish, salivating here. congrats dear..
Beautiful yummy pedas. congrats dear
Congrats on your 300 likes.Cute and beautiful oranges.
Pedas looks Yummy… and nice presentation
Awesome I love oranges n this is tempting me
Very nice post
Lovely looking pedas.. The way u have presented it looks awesome 🙂
Delicious orange peda, beautiful, can you link it, Traditional Indian Sweets and Giveaway
By the congrats on your 300 likes, wishing many more to come.
Thanks Swathi will link it soon 🙂
Pedas look delicious…lovely presentation and clicks..
சான்சே இல்லை,அவ்வளவு அழகா செய்துருக்கீங்க,நிஜ ஆரஞ்சு பழம் போலவே இருக்கு…
its beautiful sangee. congrats on your 300 likes..
Pedas look so delicious and colorful!!
akka , love this tree of orange pedas ………… congrats 🙂
wow!! soo cute!!!! wud luv to pluck one from the screen righ now.
wow akka very happy for u… Congrats for ur 300likes… wish to get many more… n peda s awesome… i have bookmarked it… n enjoy ur vacation akka…
looks lovely orange peda 🙂